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Our Mission

The charitable foundation «ZELENA KRAYINA» is the non-profit organization, aimed to protect Ukrainian forests, to save Forest from total destructive logging, to develop and apply CO2 emission minimization approaches.

Our organization sets out the particular tasks in the furtherance of our goal. The main of them, but not to end here, are:

- Revival and regeneration of the forest areas in Ukraine, which exposed by destructive logging and fires, return of comfort zone for Flora and Fauna habitation;

- Environmental constraints on the wood procurement, creation of the considered regulatory framework for the forest management;

- Implementation of the strict deforestation accounting and control system, adding greater punitive measures for illegal logging;

- Promotion of the social programs and notification to the general public about the solicitous attitude to this natural resource;

- Environmental education of every social group, beginning from preschoolers.

We should be open to every ideas, every kind of collaboration, help, participation, education, training, cooperation. We are looking forward to everyone, from the ordinary person to state and international bodies.